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Introduction (taken from contest)

You have met the love of your life. You know you want to be with this person until the day you die and are ready to run down the aisle- the only problem is your not even drinking age!
Marriage is hard on any couple- but how is it when you’re still a kid in your family’s eyes? Are you ready to have your wings clipped or are you having second thoughts about the whole deal. What made you want to have this person in your life- love or lust? You tell us because your engaged and underage.

Rating: Normal
Result: Second

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Application Round

Names of Couple: Evan Turilli and Emily Sedoni
Ages: Erm... last time we checked, I was sixteen and she was seventeen. That was a good few, or rather many years ago though...
How long have you known your partner? Oh wow. Well, our kids are about five or six by now, so... yeah, must be that long then. It's easy to lose track...
Describe your partner and yourself. We can both be silly when we want to be. She's something of a neat-freak, I'm very creative and earn my keep writing articles, but I'm working towards bigger things.
What’s your relationship like? Very happy, still going along smoothly, although it gets frustrating sometimes when we can't get a moment alone, whether it's because I'm writing or one of our triplets want attention... serves me right I guess, but I wouldn't change a thing.
Why do you want to get married now? Well it's not like we've rushed into the decision. We've been together for a hell of a long time (despite the initial whirlwind, but I won't go into that), and we're not getting any older. We still love each other very much, and I thought it about time we made it official.

So this is us:

Yes, we're vampires... now you see the problem!

Ah, a moment alone together... aw no!

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